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Image by Benjamin Elliott


Land Buying Service


Through our decades of experience as both award-winning property developers and estate agents we have developed a solid understanding and a robust network of contacts that puts us a step ahead when it comes to identifying plots of land for sale and evaluating how much a plot of land is worth.


Our land acquisition service can go one step further than most in that we are able to provide a professional appraisal on the type of development suited to the land and location and advice on the potential investment required and return expected.


This valuable expertise and insight gives homebuilders, property developers and property entrepreneurs a head start as well as access to off the market land opportunities. It could also help mitigate some of the risk associated with buying land for speculative property development and certainly helps save costs and potentially ensure full value is achieved.


Once the perfect site has been identified, we can help with development finance as well as development project management and sales & marketing.

Land Owners


We can help land owners unlock the full value of their land. 


Whether a vacant site or brownfield with or without planning permission, all land has value and the difference between obtaining maximum or minimum return is experience. We have plenty of that, so let us help you avoid costly mistakes and reap a fair price for your asset, all in the strictest confidence.

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